gnome menu at top of screen..

Amadeus W. M. amadeus84 at
Thu Aug 3 05:20:56 UTC 2006

On Wed, 02 Aug 2006 13:55:45 -0600, Michael P. Brininstool wrote:

> Grab-n-drag with mouse

It's probably locked to the panel. Must right-click and unlock it 

At any rate, that's one very annoying feature in gnome for me,
so I always move it to the lower right.
I think it's very inconvenient for a right handed person to 
have the menu in the upper left corner. MS in its infinite 
wisdom put the menu in the lower left corner, and gnome 
surpassed that, by moving it up. Let alone the fact that there 
are two panels, which is a waste.

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