FC5 on VMWare Server

Boris Glawe boris at boris-glawe.de
Thu Aug 3 15:20:07 UTC 2006

Tom Spec wrote:

> I am running an instance of FC5 as a virtual machine inside VMWare 
> Server which is installed on Windows XP.  The performance in gnome is 
> a bit "choppier" than I was hoping for.  Is anyone else running this 
> kind of configuration and if so, do you have any performance tips?  I 
> know I won't get "native" performance, but I'd like to at least do the 
> best I  can.

Did you install vmware-tools on your guest machine? This improves 
graphic performance dramatically. Still gnome's graphic libraries are 
slower than in windows - one of the very few disadvantages.

greets Boris

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