nfs questions!!!

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Thu Aug 3 15:57:57 UTC 2006

Thom Paine:
>>> Do you have a user with the same name and password on both hosts?

>> That's not how NFS works.  You need to have the same user ID
>> (numerical), and that's it.  The local box associates a user name and
>> password with local users.

Thom Paine:
> Oh, my bad. I was getting user 500 on both boxes as I'm the only user on both.
> Thanks for clearing that up. Now I know. I thought it was a user thing.

Samba typically works that way, of going by the usernames being the
same.  But it doesn't have to, different usernames can be mapped as
being the same users between boxes.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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