10TB RAID issues

Maccy maccy at maccomms.co.uk
Thu Aug 3 16:29:49 UTC 2006


Just got a new 10TB file server with 2 3ware controllers giving me 2 x 
5TB arrays.

Have installed FC4 on it but after partitioning with parted I get 
endless amounts of ext2 fs errors.  I've tried reconfiguring and 
initialising the arrays using 3ware tools but same result. The drives 
are all showing good health. fdisk is out due to the 2TB limitation. 
fsck and tune2fs throw out various inode/system block errors.

I'd really rather not have to roll my own kernels for XFS/ReiserFS 
support and all my other disks are ext3 - I want to export these arrays 
to 100+ client systems.

Can anyone recommend a better partitioning tool so I can get error-free 
ext3 filesystems on both arrays?

Many thanks in advance for any advice,


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