New in FC5 since a few days - some questions about Gnome

oldman talbotscott at
Thu Aug 3 17:03:47 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

M Daniel R Magarzo wrote:
> El mié, 02-08-2006 a las 20:32 +0200, M Daniel R Magarzo escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> 1) There are several partitions formatted, but none of them appears when
>> clicking the "Computer" icon, despite they are correctly declared into
>> the fstab; though they can be accessed via nautilus navigating through
>> the file system, apart from the CLI obviously... They are set to mount
>> automatically ("auto") at start up.
>>   This is not what I expected, since until FC4 you could access to such
>> as volumes easily, in one step by "Computer" clicking.
>>   Is there any way to restore that behaviour in Gnome? 
	I can't tell you specifically what to do, but the answer to this is
within the udev rules.  I can't fathom the reason that this keeps
changing every few months, but mostly I have been trying to ignore it.
anyway look for help / documentation on udev on if you really
want that behavior back (wouldn't hurt to look in bugzilla too! maybe
even open a report)
>>   I've been reading the Gnome 2.14 Guide and found nothing about it.
>>   Worse yet, inside the "Computer" access on my desktop, the system
>> creates icon for those volumes that exist in the hard disk indeed...,
>> but that are not formatted with any file system yet! 
>> 2) I'd like to edit the gnome panel in order to remove a entry that
>> hangs from System (or Desktop, the third one place in the main menu),
>> called "Suspend". There are reasons for that, it is not an empty "bright
>> idea"... I'm sure this is not in the /usr/share/applications/*.desktop
>> path, but I have no idea where could hide now Gnome (or Fedora) those
>> files. Before, at some earlier versions they were placed into some more
>> or less known paths, but now who knows.., anyone knows, please?

	I'm not sure what you mean here.  Do you want to remove a menu entry?
If so right click on the the menu area and select "edit menus" you will
be able to remove menu items by un-checking the item.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Daniel
> There isn't help to me? No a single idea or comment? :-(
> Daniel

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