Youtube killed Epiphany dead

Beartooth beartooth at
Thu Aug 3 19:28:43 UTC 2006

On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Andrew Conkling wrote:

> On 8/3/06, Beartooth <beartooth at> wrote:
>> I don't normally do sound, anyway, but decided to try it this time. 
>> Never got any. Tried to open the Preferences dialog : clicked on Edit, 
>> then on Preferences; that word took the highlight -- and everything 
>> froze.
> Youtube = Flash, which is always a bad time.  Plus, sound with Flash 
> takes a bit of extra setup perhaps.  Try the following: 

 	Thanks, but I think I'll go on skipping sound. Otoh, I am 
interested to discover Ubuntu.ppc exists.

>> I suppose I need to know how and where to get into epiphany from the 
>> command line and get rid of the youtube URL and its tab; do I also need 
>> more? Anything to do to privoxy or Fedora itself??
> I think it looks like epiphany is still running, though you Force Quit 
> it.  I'd say kill it.  'killall epiphany' should do the trick, or you 
> could end the process in the GNOME System Monitor.  Either way, you 
> should be able to get Epiphany to start after that by just telling it 
> not to recover tabs.

 	In fact, I let it start with tabs, and quick closed the one with 
youtube on it. Maybe I'd better skip the Al Gore parody ...

 	Epiphany reminds me of the gray squirrels I hunt in Southern 
Appalachia. You can get a good clean hit, so that they fall out of the 
top of a tree like a sack of meat, landing with a loud thud -- and see 
them in a few minutes forget they're dead, and start to crawl off.

 	Or was this a failure of the FC5 Force Quit button? I've never had 
that happen before ...

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck, Linux Convert
What do they know of country, who only country know?

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