SATA & Software RAID

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Thu Aug 3 21:03:09 UTC 2006

Mike Cisar wrote:
> Have tried to do a test install of FC5 on a system.  The system has 3 SATA
> hard drives which I set up as software RAID 1 (2 drives, 1 spare).  The
> drives show up in linux as SDA, SDB, SDC.  
> Everything went fine so I shut down the system and pulled out the second
> drive (SDB) to test the RAID, assuming that it would failover to the spare
> 3rd drive (SDC).   No such luck however, when I reboot and check the raid
> status it is showing only SDA in the array, SDB is missing (expectedly) and
> SDC is missing too.
> Took a look and see that with the 2nd drive pulled, the 3rd drive is showing
> up as SDB now instead of SDC (which I think explains why the RAID didn't
> failover). 
> Question is... how can I make the 3rd drive always show up as SDC?  Even in
> a non-raid scenario I can see that removing one of your drives and having
> the others reshuffle their drive "letters" would be a bad thing :-)
> Any suggestions appreciated.
> Cheers,
>>>>>> Mike <<<<<
This has always been a problem with SCSI drives. For non-raid
setups, you can use volume labels or logical volume groups to get
around this. You can also use udev to create rules for specific
drives. I am not sure if you can do something like this for a RAID
array. (I do not have much experience with RAID.)


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