Adding a gimp plugin

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Fri Aug 4 11:24:32 UTC 2006

On Thursday 03 August 2006 23:48, Chris Mohler wrote:
> Have you installed (via yum):
> numpy
> lapack-devel
> blas-devel
> I have these versions:
> numpy-0.9.6-1.fc5
> lapack-devel-3.0-37.fc5
> blas-devel-3.0-37.fc5
> Also, I get:
> $ locate liblapack
> /usr/lib/liblapack.a
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/liblapack_pic.a
> /usr/lib/atlas/
> /usr/lib/atlas/
> /usr/lib/atlas/
> /usr/lib/atlas/
I didn't have the -devel packages.  I ran 'yum install lapack* blas*' to make 
sure I didn't miss anything, and now I have 

slocate liblapack

After that, the install seemed to go OK, but I'm probably still 
missing something, as I can't see the plugin in Gimp.  Where does it show up 
when I get it right?

After the setup, the instructions say that it should be tested by

'execute in Python
>>> import scipy
>>> scipy.test(level=1)'

Can you please explain the 'execute in Python'?

Sorry about all the questions.  This is new ground for me.

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