local dns problem

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Aug 4 12:31:33 UTC 2006


My local home network runs with most of its machines having fixed 
addresses, referenced in their host files.

But I do have a dhcp server setup for when ever my lappy is powered up and 
logs in thru a wap11 from its builtin broadcom radio.

How can I rig my dns lookups so that I can still ssh into this lappy by its 
name, diablo.coyote.den when its given a dynamic address by dhcpd?  As it 
is, I have to goto the lappy and run an ifconfig to find its address and 
ssh to that.  Cumbersome.

Cheers, Gene
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'online' between the 'verizon', and the dot which bypasses vz's
stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
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