Adding a gimp plugin

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Fri Aug 4 14:40:34 UTC 2006

> After that, the install seemed to go OK, but I'm probably still
> missing something, as I can't see the plugin in Gimp.  Where does it show up
> when I get it right?

If the .py file is in $HOME/.gimp-2.2/plug-ins and it's executable, it
should appear in the Python-Fu menu (at least it does for me):
Python-Fu -> Selection -> Transparency Crop

> After the setup, the instructions say that it should be tested by
> 'execute in Python
> >>> import scipy
> >>> scipy.test(level=1)'
> Can you please explain the 'execute in Python'?

In a terminal, type:
And press enter.  You should get some info about your version of
Python and be left with a prompt that looks like:

Next, type:
import scipy
and press enter - if it throws an error there, scipy is not fully installed.

> Sorry about all the questions.  This is new ground for me.

I learned by asking questions....


> Anne

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