SATA & Software RAID and SATA issues.

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Fri Aug 4 17:13:55 UTC 2006

Ric Moore wrote:
> Mikkel, My brand new machine has SATA drives. The DVD+RW is the first or
> sda. The harddrive is sdb. Right, we're good so far? Well, somehow
> someone has decided that my DVD is now /dev/hda and everything kinda
> goes to Hell, having to kick the apps, like xine, in the slats to get it
> to do /dev/sda and then does everything work as initially installed.
> Totem and mplayer just go tits up. 
Your DVD should not show up as a SCSI hard drive. If it shows up as a 
SCSI device, it should show up as a SCSI CD. (/dev/scd0) The SATA drive 
should show up as /dev/sda.

> First issue: WTF! If yum installed something that's jacking my drive
> device setup, someone please find out who and stuff them in a locker.
> It's all worked just dandy until the last month or so. 
> Second issue: It would be better to redefine my hardware setup when the
> G D SYSTEM IS FRESHLY INSTALLED! Not after. <pants heavily> F with my
> setup when I install FC6. That would be appropriate. Not while it's a
> running machine. 
> Third issue: I didn't dink with my hardware, who or what did? I think
> it's aggressive, not properly assertive, to just go and do a thing
> because you can. Some compromise, like telling me and others about it,
> would have been better. 
> How do I fix this? I want it back like it was. It worked, and I kinda
> like it that way for some reason that escapes me for the heat of the
> moment, when I tried to just watch a Flash Gordon DvD while working on
> my website.  It was the last straw to an already bad enough day. I
> apologize for venting. No I don't, I take that back. I'm venting. Ric
> root at iam media]# df
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
>                      190799356  10316532 170634404   6% /
> /dev/sda1               101086     22760     73107  24% /boot
> tmpfs                  1037884         0   1037884   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda               3810768   3810768         0
> 100% /media/FLASH_GORDON
> [root at iam media]#
> How does boot get on /dev/sda1??? When it is a DvD device with no
> partition? /dev/sdb is my harddrive. It has partitions. Is there some
> sort of relocation going on with VolGroup? I really miss the pre-udev
> days. 

/boot is not on the DVD. The DVD is being seen as an IDE device. It is 
the master device on the first PIDE interface. Are you sure your SATA 
drive was not /dev/sda during the install? (Are you confusing /dev/hda 
and /dev/sda?


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