Not the usual installation media check failures

Steven Pasternak stevenp500 at
Sat Aug 5 17:01:10 UTC 2006

Tim wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 10:35 -0700, Mark wrote:
>> All checksums are ok. I burned the ISOs and run media checks on them
>> on one computer. 2 disks fail.
>> I run the media check again on another computer and one of the disks
>> that failed on the first machine passes, however another disk
>> that passed on the first machine fails on the second machine.
> The first thing that springs to mind is that one PC is better at reading
> some discs than another.  That can be due to high-speed burns not being
> as compatible as lower-speed burns.  Could just be the brand of discs
> and the particular drives.
I recall hearing somewhere that the media checker has a bug, where 
perfectly good media are deemed bad because of a problem with the bios 
or something. Try to use them anyway, and if they don't crap out, than 
they are good (enough, anyway ;-) )

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