apache virtual hosts and mod_redirect

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Sun Aug 6 08:08:33 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 12:46 -0500, Peter Horst wrote:
> Thanks much for the follow-up.  I let it drop after not getting
> responses (it happens, right?).

You're welcome.  Yes, it does happen.  Sometimes nobody has any
suggestions to offer.  Sometime one message in the hundreds just doesn't
get noticed...

> Turns out there was no problem to begin with - near as I can figure, I
> just had a dirty browser cache that was messing things up (i.e. not
> actually submitting requests to the server where they could be
> redirected, just serving the old page).

That could be indicative of a caching *problem* (i.e. not just your
browser), possibly due to expiry headers.  Since you're running a
server, or managing one at least, you might want to read the Apache
documents about mod expiry, and some "net-friendly" website information
about proxies and caching.  Sorry, I don't have a URI handy, but there's
a few sites around that cover it.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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