FC5 Firefox and KMail

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Sun Aug 6 11:28:19 UTC 2006

On Saturday 05 August 2006 10:56 pm, Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Saturday 05 August 2006 22:45, Chris Jones wrote:
> The thing is, the " Preferred Applications" tool doesn't just control Gnome
> apps. It's a tool for setting defaults for the Web Browser, Email client,
> etc.

Not true. The settings you apply there do NOT control what happens in KDE 

For instance, try setting your "preferred email" client to thunderbird, or 
evolution, and then click on a email link in konqueror - What email program 
comes up ? For me it is kmail, regardless of what you set. 

To me this is obvious, "gnome-default-applications-properties" does NOT 
control KDE (the hint is in the name) which has its own way of setting 
preferred applications (fire up kcontrol then navigate KDE Components -> 
Component Chooser) and thus it should NOT be put on the KDE menu to avoid 

just my 1 pence  (roughly 2 cents)


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