FC5 on VMWare Server

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Sun Aug 6 17:21:34 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 10:40, Andy Campbell wrote:
> > I am running an instance of FC5 as a virtual machine inside VMWare 
> > Server which is installed on Windows XP.  The performance in gnome is 
> > a bit "choppier" than I was hoping for.  Is anyone else running this 
> > kind of configuration and if so, do you have any performance tips?  I 
> > know I won't get "native" performance, but I'd like to at least do the 
> > best I  can.
> >
> > Also, I can't seem to find where to set the option not to show window 
> > contents while dragging.

> The beta VMWware server still has a lot of debug code in that slows 
> things down.  The following link
> may help, it tells you how to turn off the debug ( at least in some 
> versions )
> http://www.phunsites.net/wp/2006/05/14/another-way-to-disable-debugging-in-vmware-server-beta/

The release version has been out for a while so you no longer
have to do this.  You do need to install vmware tools inside
the virtual machine and run its configuration script and I've
forgotten if that still takes an extra downloaded tool to work
with FC5 guests.

  Les Mikesell
   lesmikesell at gmail.com

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