install while keeping /home - updated experiences request

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Mon Aug 7 04:20:51 UTC 2006

On Sunday August 06 2006 4:07 pm, Charles Curley wrote:
> Well, if you find out that the old stuff in /home/cj is the wrong
> user, you can still always "chown -R cj:cj /home/cj".

Well, FC6t2 is up and running. I pretty much did what I discussed in the 
earlier post: went into custom partitions and set my /sda1 drive to be /home 
and not formatted, and put the rest on /hdb - I have WindowsXP on /hda.  
After install, at first boot, I just chose my old user name for user and the 
machine came up - there's lots of problems

First comments on FC6t2:
Disk 4 didn't write correctly - I sha1sum'd all the iso's so that wasn't the 
issue - when install got to Disk 4, it just kept saying it couldn't access 
the CDROM; I ended up burning a second Disk 4 and that fixed that

When it rebooted the first time, it returned a GRUB error 15 message and 
stopped - had to reinsert Disk 1 and boot into rescue mode - 
grub-reinstall /dev/hda got me going

It seems to have a problem with the display and sound

Display came up at 1650X1080 - native resolution of my monitor is 1600X1200, 
but that wasn't an option. It offers 1280X1024, which looks OK - at the 
resolution it came up as, the monitor couldn't compensate and left shifted 
the whole picture an inch or so - all fonts looked terrible and the whole 
picture was fuzzy and aliased - tried to reconfigure the display in multiple 
ways, including using system-config-display from runlevel 3, but to no avail. 
It says it can't detect the monitor or video - if I select the video button, 
the list comes up and it highlights the NVidia card - accepting that returns 
the "unkown" legend next to the video button; clicking on the monitor button 
yields no response.

Sound configuration yields a response, and sound plays, but on next boot, I 
get a sound server error.

All this may have been avoided by a clean install - it's hard to say

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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