Not the usual installation media check failures

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Mon Aug 7 07:28:55 UTC 2006

>> On that note, why do people smear their fingers all over the optical
>> surface of discs?  Or scuff them about on the desk?

Les Mikesell:
> Because they don't come with handles?  Or protective cases that
> remain on in use...  It's a design problem.

Yes, I've always thought that getting rid of caddies was a bad idea.
True, some of the caddies were a crap design, but if CDs had been made
like 3.5" floppies from the get-go (audio and data discs), we'd be in a
lot better position.

Scratched and scuffed discs wouldn't be an issue, nor finger prints, nor
badly placed labels.  All of that would be on the outside of the case,
not on something that drive is trying to read.

(Currently running FC4, in case that's important to the thread)

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