PHP-GD not work

Laci laci082 at
Mon Aug 7 15:06:33 UTC 2006

yes. I try 18 different scripts, and no one wokrs.
The scripts is running good until it's try to use GD. At this pont, the 
scripts qiut.

Andy Green írta:
> Laci wrote:
>> Hello!
>> No one has any idea about this?:
>> "I am having trouble with making GD work on my server. Both GD and 
>> PHP-GD is installed on the server, but when I am trying to use a 
>> script that require GD I get a white page. Is there some kind of 
>> configuration needed to make it work properly? Needs so help here,.I 
>> am using FC5, the PHP, and PHP-GD s installed with yum.
>> "
>> No errors, no warnings, just not work.
> Might be worth doing a View Source on that "white page"?
> -Andy

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