ide-scsi problems

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Mon Aug 7 15:57:39 UTC 2006

James Pifer wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 14:20 +0100, PFJ wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Hm, I can't burn CDs unless I add it. Don't have the exact error at the
>>> moment. Maybe I'm missing something else?
>> If you're using FC-5, the CD burner should have been just picked up
>> without intervention on your part. Are you using k3b or gnome-toaster to
>> burn the CDs with?
>> If you're using k3b, see what it says about available CD burners.
>> Paul
> Basic cdrecord like:
> cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=1,0,0 file.iso
> James
It will work with IDE drives as well. Boot without "hdc=ide-scsi"
and then run "cdrecord -scanbus" to see what device numbers. The
version on FC5 will also work with dev=/dev/hdc instead of
dev=1,0,0. For may laptop, I have to use hdc=noprobe to have DMA
work correctly on the drive. (SATA drives.) If you use hdc-noprobe
instead of hdc=ide-scsi, you will still need to change what VMWare
is using as the CD drive to something like /dev/scd0.


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