ide-scsi problems

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Mon Aug 7 19:09:15 UTC 2006

James Pifer wrote:
>> When you remove the ide-scsi option, the link should get changed so
>> that /dev/cdrom is a symlink to /dev/hdc, so you should not need to
>> change the settings in Webmin.
> Think we're a little off on this one. Webmin only works if I have the
> ide-scsi option included. Without it webmin uses 'cdrecord
> dev=1,0,0 ...' which only appears to work if I have ide-scsi in. 
> Don't really see where to modify it in webmin.
> Thanks,
> James
I don't use Webmin, but I suspect from looking at the burner.wbm.gz
file, you should be able to configure it on the Device Options page.


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