handling of the routing table through route command and ioctl() library function

Abid Ghufran abid.ghufran at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 23:25:59 UTC 2006

I am developing an application which takes the information of
interfaces from one system, and adds it in the routing tabel of
another system. It is sort of a routing protocols but my particular
domain is the ForCES (Forwarding and Control Element Separation)
topic. All is working fine except for the behaviour of the ioctl()

I am using VMware and Fedora Core-4 as one guest and Fedora Core-5 as
the other. Windows XP is the guest for vmware.

When I add interfaces on the Fedora Core-4 system, they are addedd
successfully in the routing table as routing entries, with all proper
routing table column entries. But when I try to run that same portion
of the code on Fedora Core-5, although the routes are added, but in
the routing table they are marked as REJECT with an ( ! ) exclamation
mark, under the flags column. It even does not show the gateway for
that routing entry.

1) When does the system (I assume the kernel) mark a routing entry as REJECTed?

2) Does the route command use the same ioctl() function call? I have
seen a few error messages with ioctl() command options returned.

3) Could there be a difference between the two impelmentations
(usages) of the ioctl(), on Fedora Core 4 and 5 ?

This is the last portion of my application, and I would be more than
glad to get it solved.

Thank you,

Abid Ghufran.

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