dump Testers wanted for Restore SELinux Compares patch

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Tue Aug 8 00:13:12 UTC 2006

On Monday, August 07, 2006 11:42 AM -0400 Tony Nelson 
<tonynelson at georgeanelson.com> wrote:

> I've posted this on the dump-users' list, but it's really quiet there.

I wondered why I hadn't seen it, as I'd been a subscriber. I just looked at 
the archives and they're full of spam, and apparently a lot of subscribers 
got auto-unsubscribed as a result of our MTA's rejecting all the spam. 
Stelian Pop (maintainer of dump) changed the list config to members-only to 
stop the spam, so I guess I'll go re-subscribe.

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