ls command

jdow jdow at
Tue Aug 8 09:58:10 UTC 2006

From: "Kaushal Shriyan" <kaushalshriyan at>

> Hi
> I have a query is that when i do a ls command, I can see folders in blue color
> binaries in red color and executable file in green color and Text
> files in white color
> How do i set it to a uniform color for example white
> I mean when i type # ls command it should show all files in white

In the results from an "alias" command you will observe this line:
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

(Or one like it.)

Either arrange to remove the alias if you want a permanent behavior
change or use "/bin/ls" to get it with no color.

{^_^}   Joanne

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