FC6T2 and Xen

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Tue Aug 8 22:48:33 UTC 2006

On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Mark Haney wrote:

> Has anyone managed to get FC6T2 working as a Xen guest?  I've tried a couple
> of  things to make it work and it dies on the installer.  I realize it's
> a /test/ but I'd like to be able to test it in Xen.

I have finally got FC6t1 to install as a xen guest on an FC5 main domain -
I think the various virtual network interfaces xen supplies were confusing
it and the trick was to add netloop.nloopbacks=0 to the kernel arguments
(I did a "hard disk" install from another partition so I didn't need the

Currently, I am getting a crash on boot with FC6t2 or the current rawhide
kernel with the error
Error: (9, 'Bad file descriptor')

	Michael Young

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