How to find pavcl

oldman talbotscott at
Wed Aug 9 15:33:31 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Heikki Pesonen wrote:
> I downloaded pavcl_linux.rpm and installed running "[root at localhost
> fossiili]# rpm -i pavcl_linux.rpm". According to Panda Software the
> program should start type (as root) for ex. "pavcl -?", but my Fedora 5
> do not find it.
> How to find the program? Beagle or other search programs prayed in Linux
> journals and other papers and so called documents a newbie meets seem
> not to exist in my Fedora.
> By the way, why is it so stupid? If I buy some version of Red Hat does
> it work without much mess? I like Fedora Core 5 very much, it looks nice
> and works fast but every time I try to do something with it other than
> surfing in the Net or writing text - some confusing operations are
> needed. I will recommend the IT Nobel Prise for Bill Gates, without
> having his Windows in my machine I could not do any serious work ...

	Assuming you are getting a "command not found" error when you type
command "pavcl -?", you should check the rpm for help.  Try "rpm -ql
pavcl_linux |less" to get a list of all files and where rpm put them.

	You may see in the list a "README" file which may give you some clues
as to how to run the program.  You should also look for any program that
was placed in any /bin /sbin or /usr/sbin as these are the executables.

	Also, run updatedb, then run "locate pavcl" this will tell you where
that file is (assuming it exists).

	IMHO linux is not "stupid", it does require a greater knowledge from
its users, however, and can (especially for newbies like me and you) be
a little frustrating.  It is odd that you are having this much problem
with a commercial product though! I would expect that they would have
good documentation at the least.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


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