Lost sound on my notebook after FC5 upgrade

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Thu Aug 10 04:42:13 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 02:06 -0700, Tod Merley wrote:

> Did a "locate sound" (you have to do an "updatedb" as root first - it
> catalogs all of your file names for locate to use then any key will
> find).  Got a lot so did a "locate sound > locatesound.text" (makes a
> big file of the results of the above command called locatesound.text)
> and then did a "less locatesound.text" to read the file page by page.
> In the list was "/var/lib/alsa/asound.state" an so I did a
> "less /var/lib/alsa/asound.state" and found apparently a list of the
> ins and outs of my sound system and thier current settings.  This
> tells me that alsa is how I do sound on the is box (Ubuntu Dapper). 

	I mucked around with this a bit and found /etc/asound.state and ran a
few of the alsa utilities but still no joy.  All the programs and
utilities say everything is fine and the wav files are being played but
there's no sound.

> Did some googling.  The most common comment associated with your "FC5
> sound problem after update" was that they tend to mute the sound after
> an update.  On Ubuntu I have a sound applett on my button bar in
> Gnome.  When left clicked I can control volume when right clicked I
> can open a "volume control" (center (Volume Control 2.4.12 (Alsa
> Mixer))) where I can control the muted or un-muted state of various
> audio in's and out's.

	I check this and it's unmuted.

> The second is that they sometimes forget to comple ALSA into the
> Kernel.  I might consider doing another update.  Alaways a risk with
> updates though. 

	I might go and try OSS (I've always preferred it, myself) to see if
it's in the SW or the HW.

> Well, I hope I have done more good than ill here - I hope you do find
> it.  Please write back and tell us how you are doing with this. 

	Thanks for replying and I will let you know if anything comes of this.

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