[Fwd: FC2 with Sun machine]

Chong Yu Meng chongym at cymulacrum.net
Thu Aug 10 13:51:53 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 20:53 +0800, edwardspl at ita.org.mo wrote:
> email message attachment
> > -------- Forwarded Message --------
> > From: edwardspl at ita.org.mo
> > To: fedora-list at redhat.com
> > Subject: FC2 with Sun machine
> > Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 21:28:25 +0800
> > 
> > Dear All,
> > 
> > Does FC2 System support with SUN machine ( E250 / E450 ) ?


You are so lucky ! Wish I could get my hands on one of those Sun

You will need Aurora Linux, which is roughly equivalent to FC3 now, I
think. See this: http://auroralinux.org/

Installation can be a little tricky. I tried it out on a Netra T1 a year
ago, and the networking part almost made me give up. This was caused by
the 4-port ethernet card inside. You may want to check if your E250/E450
uses the quad card. If it does, here's a hint, the port assignments may
be messed up, so, before you try troubleshooting, try plugging the cable
into one socket after another. Another thing: you may need to set the
MAC address manually. 

Otherwise, I have to say that the performance of Linux on Sparc just
blew me away! IIRC the Netra had 256MB of RAM, and a 300MHz processor
(or something like that) and it ran faster than my Fujitsu 1.8GHz 512MB
desktop running FC3 back then. And this was a Netra that dated back to
1999, at least !


Pascal Chong 
email:  chongym at cymulacrum.net 
web:    http://cymulacrum.net
pgp:    http://cymulacrum.net/pgp/cymulacrum.asc

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