Celeron Processor

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Thu Aug 10 15:25:04 UTC 2006

Smith, Herb wrote:
> I was wanting to get my son interested in Linux and thought it would be
> a good exercise to load one of the Fedora distros on an older computer
> that he has.  It has had RH8 on it successfully in the past.  It has a
> Celeron processor in it and I noticed that the FC3, 4, 5 distros all say
> that they are suited to Pentium processors.  I wondered if anyone has
> any experience with FC3 on a Celeron.  Is it going to work well at all?
> The machine appears to have sufficient memory, speed and disk space.

A Celeron should be fine. My mail server is a Celeron running FC5.


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