How to customize hardware ethernet settings in FC5?

Anthony Messina amessina at
Thu Aug 10 17:23:09 UTC 2006

Patrick Doyle wrote:
>> you should be able to add a line to
>> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>> ETHTOOL_OPTS="speed 10 duplex half autoneg off"
>> and the change will take place at boot up, or anytime you restart the
>> interface.
> That's _exactly_ the answer for which I was looking.  Unfortunately,
> it begs a couple of other questions...
> 1) How did you know that?
> 2) How could I have known that?
> :-)
> 3) If I add my own text to ifcfg-eth0, will the network configuration
> GUI deal with it properly?
> --wpd
unfortunately, the gui doesn't incorporate ethtool options. i don't
remember how i found that; though it was a long time ago when i was
having trouble with my broadcom gigabit controller. i think it was just

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