Frontpage server extensions... FC5

David Cary Hart Fedora at
Thu Aug 10 17:37:12 UTC 2006

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:45:32 -0600, "Mike Cisar"
<mlists at> opined:
> Just wondering if anyone has been able to get the MS Frontpage
> server extensions to install/compile under FC5 with Apache 2.2.2 ?
> As much as Frontpage has it's idiosyncrasies we have users that
> still need it.  
> I hold out some hope that it is possible, as Googling seems to find
> a few references to FreeBSD patches to make it work... but nothing
> Fedora related and nothing that I understand :-)
> The logical progression will be to set up and support DAV on this
> server, as at least the most recent version of the Frontpage
> software supports it.  But if I can squeeze a little more life out
> of the Frontpage Extensions that makes my life much easier in the
> short term.
I haven't done this in some time. Is the problem with compile or
getting it to work? IIRC, a fp file is created in /var/log that has
to be permissioned to 755. Have you searched the list archives?

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