How create a directory with full permiss for everybody

Ben Stringer ben at
Fri Aug 11 12:50:45 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-11 at 14:31 +0200, brouwers roland lx wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to create a directory with full permissions for everybody.

Hi Roland, 

There are a number of reasons why that is a bad idea, but I will leave
it to you to research this if you are concerned about the security of
your system.

> So I search google and:
> create a user tdp 
> create a group tdpgr
> create directory /home/tdpgr
> assigned all users to that group

If you want every account to have access to the directory, there is
already a category of permissions for that - no need to put everyone in
a group. Just make sure the directory has permissions drwxrwxrwx, which
can be done using "chmod 777 directory".

> chown -R tdp:tdpgr /home/tdpgr
> chmod -R 2775 /home/tdpgr
> When a doc is created from any user it will get the permission -rwxrwxr-

The default permissions when a file or directory is created are
determined by a thing called the umask. Run "umask" to see what it is
set to. 

To set the umask to always create files and directories that are
readable and writable by everyone, set the umask to 000, by running
"umask 000".

If you want this to be the default for a given user, add "umask 000" to
the ".bash_profile" file in the users home directory. If you want this
to be the system default (ie. for all users), edit /etc/bashrc, and
change the umask setting in that file to 000.

Again - there are a number of reasons why this is a bad idea - if you
wish to know about them, just ask, or do some reading on linux security.

Cheers, Ben
> x
> When some user opens the doc it is opened as read-only
> Why ??????

You would need to check the permissions of the file they opened, rather
than the directory. They either need to be in the same group as the
file's group and have group write (-----w----) or have "other" write set

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Ben

> Roland Brouwers
> C.A.T. bvba
> Antwerp-Belgium
> roland at

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