P4 Dual Core and FC5

Erich Carlson computerperceptions at coxinet.net
Sat Aug 12 00:58:20 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-08-12 at 01:54 +0100, Paul Smith wrote:
> On 8/12/06, Erich Carlson <computerperceptions at coxinet.net> wrote:
> > > Excellent news ! Thanks. Since I will keep my current hard disks, will
> > > the computer boot usually? Or, will I need to install a new kernel,
> > > etc.?
> >
> > if you don't want what is on the current drives, then choose the option
> > to erase all partitions when you install fedora core.
> No, Erich. That is the contrary: I do want everything I have on those
> hard drives, and keeping the same configurations.
then you will have to choose the option to make use of available disk
space and partition the drive accordinely


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