Clearing hard disk's MBS

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Sat Aug 12 01:24:49 UTC 2006

On Friday August 11 2006 11:44 am, Mike McCarty wrote:
> It is *inappropriate* to answer someone who is asking a question
> which is somewhat ambiguous with a simple answer of "do this".
> It is *doubly* inappropriate to "correct" an answer in the manner
> I saw. If the "corrector" really had serious doubt that the answer
> as given was the one the OP needed, then what I wrote above is
> doubly important.
> It is the OP who stands to lose. It is the OP who must make the
> decision and take the action. It is the responder who should
> be careful to give information which is accurate and complete
> enough for the OP/questioner to make his decision.
> Otherwise, the responder would have done much better to keep
> quiet. By speaking up, one makes oneself open to being
> responsible for someone else causing expensive damage to
> the state of his disc.
> Mike

We've had our clashes here, Mike, but you're spot on in my view. Caveat 
emptor. I'm reminded of the little incident, was it here?, a few days ago, 
where the OP had lost his keyboard. He merely needed to reset his BIOS, as it 
turned out, and as I would have suggested if I'd seen the thread earlier, but 
he was getting advice to take his machine in to the shop to have his 
motherboard checked for a keyboard fuse. (I'd just been through a similar 
experience two days earlier with a Dell laptop - in this case, keyboard 
worked fine to get into BIOS, or if the machine was fully booted, but in BIOS 
setup screens, it went dead - unplugging the machine and removing the battery 
for ten minutes cleared it up)
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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