IBM POS Machine and Fedora

Joel Rees joel_rees at
Sat Aug 12 08:13:25 UTC 2006

>> I was wondering what Fedora would run great on an IBM POS machine  
>> with
>> a Cyrix 166 and 32mb of memory.  I am looking on running a Java
>> Application.

> It is a point of sale machine.

Someone suggested DSL. Have you considered netBSD?

Either way, you'll be setting X11 up yourself, choosing your own  
window manager, etc.

And maybe even compiling Java, not to mention loading it yourself.  
Lot's of time-consuming work, lots of searching the web for answers,  
lots of riding the appropriate newsgroups and mailing lists.

If the RAM is socketed, you might consider trying to upgrade it. At  
least 128M would give you a lot more headroom, which you will want if  
you run Java.

Might one ask whether you have a specific reason for wanting to use  
that particular box for the project you have in mind? 

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