Chinese input on English locale

Joel Rees joel_rees at
Sat Aug 12 08:28:18 UTC 2006

On 2006/08/11, at 18:44, Stephen Liu wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> Tks for your advice.
> I'm now snswering this email on FC5_64 PC.
> I can input Chinese with following input methods on English locale;
> CangJie
> CangJie3
> Wubi
> Simplex
> Quick
> etc.
> But some characters seemed missing.  I doubt whether I need adding  
> some
> Chines fonts?

Possible. There seem to be a number of the free fonts that aren't yet  

>>>> iiimf-le-hangul-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-gtk-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-libs-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-docs-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-le-unit-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-le-chinput-0.3-19
>>>> iiimf-le-xcin-0.1.10-1
>>>> iiimf-le-canna-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-libs-devel-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-server-12.2-4.fc4.2
>>>> iiimf-x-12.2-4.fc4.2
> # yum list installed iiimf-*
> # yum list installed iiimf*
> # yum list installed iiimf
> # rpm -qa | grep iiimf-*
> # rpm -qa | grep iiimf*
> # rpm -qa | grep iiimf
> All no printout

I haven't done that recently enough to comment, and I'm on the wrong  
box to check it. Maybe later.

>>>> To use Chinese input I must set LC_CTYPE and GTK_IM_MODULE.
>>>> Something like this:
>>>> LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 GTK_IM_MODULE=iiim thunderbird
>>> Which file shall I edit instead of exporting it each time before
>>> editing Chinese.  TIA
>> You've tried .bash_profile ?
> # cat ~/.bash_profile
> ...
> ....
> if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>         . ~/.bashrc
> fi
> # User specific environment and startup programs
> export PATH
> unset USERNAME
>  * end *

That's the file.

Usually, you'd just add the export command you've been typing in at  
the terminal to the end of that file.

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