P4 Dual Core and FC5

Erich Carlson computerperceptions at coxinet.net
Sat Aug 12 11:59:44 UTC 2006

> Thanks, Erich. The packages to use with smp kernels are the i386 ones?
> Paul
The latest smp kernel is:

title Fedora Core (2.6.17-1.2174_FC5smp)

You will get an earlier kernel version on your initial FC5 install,
after you've installed run 'yum update' for the latest kernel packages
as well as other packages.

When you've first installed, you will have both the smp and the non-smp
kernels installed and in grub.conf, the install should default to the
smp kernel, you can boot into a non-smp kernel if you want too.

the kernel for the dual core is actually a i686 kernel, but is found in
the i386 


you won't need to access that site directly as yum or pup will do that
for you. I hope you're on a broadband connection, as updating via a
modem would be a pain in the ...


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