webcam recommendations

tom poe tompoe at
Sat Aug 12 22:37:52 UTC 2006

Lonni J Friedman wrote:
> On 8/12/06, tom poe <tompoe at> wrote:
>> If I buy the Target or Wal-Mart WinXP cheap ($10 to $15) webcam, will it
>> run on FC5?  Is this one of those, better check for driver software,
>> first things?
> When it comes to webcams you always need to check for drivers first,
> regardless of where you get it.  Do you have a URL for one of these
> beasts?
I was in the Target store at the end of July, in Mason City, IA, and 
there was a $13 webcam.  It had the M$ logo on the side, but my daughter 
cautioned that I better check things out, first.  I just checked Target 
online, and they don't have it listed.  I'll take your advice, and see 
if I can find a webcam linux compatible list, someplace.
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