web server

Chong Yu Meng chongym at cymulacrum.net
Sun Aug 13 11:26:59 UTC 2006

> On Sun, 2006-08-13 at 11:02 +0200, eng.waleed wrote:
> > we have web server on fedora core 3 last night it is hanged and work
> > normal after reboot , are there any logs I can check to see the reason
> > of the hanging?

One other thing you may want to look at is the disk space. 

Check how much free disk space is on your partitions. The command is "df -k"

Pascal Chong 
email:  chongym at cymulacrum.net 
web:    http://cymulacrum.net
pgp:    http://cymulacrum.net/pgp/cymulacrum.asc

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