lpr changed in FC5?

Aaron Konstam akonstam at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 13 13:32:43 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-08-12 at 15:05 -0700, Julius Smith wrote:
> Apparently my "enscript -2r" problem in FC5 was caused by the default
> paper size being set to A4 in GNOME instead of Letter.  To fix this,
> type printconf-gui, enter root password, select printer, click Edit,
> select "Driver Options", change "Page Size" to Letter, click OK, click
> Apply.  Repeat for each printer.
> It seems the default paper size should be set more accurately based on
> the user's location information during FC5 installation.  Or, simply
> ask the user for a preferred default paper size.  Of course, the OS
> should also be able to ask printers if a given paper size is loaded
> and available.

I am going to get a bad reputation for keep saying this, but if you are
going to deal with cups printers use cups commands. The way you change
the options of a printer in a CUPS environment is more properly by using
the lpoptions command.

Aaron Konstam <akonstam at sbcglobal.net>

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