text browser

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Sun Aug 13 17:54:17 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 00:42 +0800, LC wrote:

> anyone know of a text browser which is able to view https and jsp pages?

Just doing a quick search to find out what JSP might be suggests that
it's merely pages generated by Java.  If so, then you ought to be able
to browse them with any text-browser, the same as you could browse HTML
(it depends on what's actually in the page).

The result of "generated pages" is HTML, and beyond crummy programming
and bad authoring, it doesn't matter what technique is used (JSP, SSI,
CGI, Perl, PHP, etc.), the end result is HTML.

Of course, said pages can include images, or the URI might not be for a
"page", but an image, sound file, or something else, without an
encompassing page.  In cases like that, you won't have a great deal of
luck with a text browser.  Not directly, at least.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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