Setting up NTP for multicast client service

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sun Aug 13 19:09:44 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-08-12 at 12:32 -0600, james edwards wrote:
> /etc/ntp/ needs to be writable by user ntp. In RH's ntpd, ntpd drops
> to user ntp after it starts. I find this file is often owned by root
> in RH, so you will never get a drift file written and long term time
> keeping will not be that good. 

Hmm, I hadn't paid attention to that recently, but I don't see a drift
file now that I've looked.  There used to be one, when I was getting NTP
up and running ages ago.

Is there a preferred solution?  (Ownership, permissions, etc.)

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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