For sale Brand New Juicy Couture Sidekick II for $120

Patrick W. Barnes nman64 at
Mon Aug 14 00:20:03 UTC 2006

On Sunday 13 August 2006 03:53, Ric Moore <wayward4now at> wrote:
> Same jerk. Last time I called 'em on it, I got a private email stating I
> was the jerk and that I should order something! <brain hurt!!>  Well, I
> still am a jerk and proud of it. Some of these meat-brains have a sense
> of entitlement to wipe their excreta on anyone's walls and are astounded
> when called on it. "Woo! Woo!, it smells good to me! You don't like it?"
> <swipes more excreta on>
> If the moderator would have some not so nice words with these offenders,
> maybe we wouldn't get this. Isn't there some kinda rule? I'm REALLY
> surprised that someone from the UK can't spell. I'll be sure to order a
> phone from someone without verbal skills. Yeah, I said that.

Complain to the forums.  They are the gateway through which this 
crap flows.  They have a single subscription to this list and a gateway 
between it and their forums.  Their forums don't provide adequate 
verification processes or filtering to avoid this kind of junk.  It's just 
too easy for their forums to be abused.  A large enough number of legitimate 
users take advantage of their forums that we can't simply disable the 

Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes
nman64 at


Have I been helpful?  Rate my assistance!

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