'Browser not supported' and Firefox settings

Anne Wilson cannewilson at tiscali.co.uk
Mon Aug 14 08:20:24 UTC 2006

On Monday 14 August 2006 02:44, Ric Moore wrote:
> My stupid, had my own Firefox CRM114 Discriminator on and had to notice
> the little bar on the top of the screen which noted that it was at work
> and blocking all nasty things from being installed.
> Kinda like the 'Happy Personality Doors" in "Hitchhiker's Guide", it was
> just joyfully doing it's job. I am happy for it finding Joy in it's
> existence. The world spins in greased grooves now. Ric
I must confess that I failed to install it three times before I saw what was 
happening to block it.

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