Custom rpm install problems

DeXteR dexter at
Mon Aug 14 11:17:52 UTC 2006

Dan Track wrote:
> error: Failed dependencies:
>        perl(BSD::Resource) is needed by MX-Mod_perl
>        perl(Devel::Symdump) is needed by MX-Mod_perl
> When I do a locate I can find the appropriate files (e.g .pm's), so I
> can't see why its not installing. 
You say you have the right .pm files installed (I assume through RPM).
The rpm that won;t install here has a REQUIRE "BSD::Resource".
This file is installed as a .pm, but the RPM does not provide the 
database field "PROVIDES "BSD::Resource"".
Either you change the rpm you are trying to install to require the .pm, 
or change the intalled rpm to provide the cpam name. Or use the --force 
options :P


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