keeping kmod-nvidia and kernel upgrades "in sync"

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Mon Aug 14 15:02:47 UTC 2006

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
> Well, yum has all the package dependency info in its metadata, so why 
> can't it apply it both ways (i.e., kernel -> kmod, and kmod -> kernel)?
> But more urgently: what's the best way to ensure that you don't have a 
> non-functioning computer in the morning, because of a driver/kernel 
> mismatch? Do I have to exclude kernel and kmod* from yum updates?
> - Mike

FWIW, on my FC4 systems, the lack of the livna nVidia module won't stop 
your computer from working.  You will just endup using the nv driver 
from xorg which works quite well.

I have found that you "cannot" update the nVidia module on my FC4 
machine.  It requires a removal and then an install of the new module.

When there is a kernel update out, I will wait until the nVidia module 
is available I install the new kernel, remove the old nVidia modules, 
install the new modules.

Robin Laing

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