Need Standard C++ Compiler for M$ Windows

jdow jdow at
Mon Aug 14 18:46:25 UTC 2006

From: "Steven Pasternak" <stevenp500 at>

> jdow wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Yunus" <yunus at>
>>> I am learning C++. Can anyone suggest a good Standard C++ Compiler for
>>> Windows ? 
>>> FYI, i am using dual OS i.e:Fedora Core 3 (FC 3) dan Win XP. In FC 3, i
>>> have GNU g++ compiler.
>> I believe if you dig around you can find yourself
>> a free, for awhile, copy of the Visual C++ compiler, which means if
>> you get into Microsoft specific "stuff" you'll have a toop to work
>> with.
>> Otherwise you get to go through the gyrations needed to install
>> the gnu compilers on Windows. It can be done. I've not tried it.
>> Others here have, I am sure.
>> {^_^}
> I may be mistaken (not a big windows guy), but isn't gcc/g++ available 
> on windows?

Yes, it is. You have to install a shell environment for it to work.

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