Fix or replace OOo ??

William Case billlinux at
Mon Aug 14 19:44:55 UTC 2006


Below is an exchange I have just had on the user mailing

William Case wrote:
"> Hi;
> I think I have a major problem with my OOo macros or BASIC.
> I tried your suggestion below.  Couldn't drag and drop any controls --
> design mode on and off. My built-in macros in the
> file crash.  I tried the 'Schedule' macro and some others.
> I have built a couple of macros to help me construct a project.  They
> have all removed themselves.  Some functions don't seem to work the
> I expect (but that could be me).
> I am been saving my project as *.xls because I want to share it
> eventually with Excel users.  Should work for everything but
> Tried macros on a *.ods version but no improvement.
> I am using Fedora Core 5, Linux 2.6, Gnome 2.14.2, OOo 2.0.2."

I started with the following problem, but the problem grew.

"> On Mon, 2006-14-08 at 16:25 +0200, wrote:
>> View>Toolbars>Form COntrols
>> 2nd button "Design Mode" = on
>> 2nd last button "More Controls"
>> Pick "Calendar Field from toolbar "More Controls"
>> Draw the control on the sheet.
>> If some wizzard pops up: Cancel (no database connection here)
>> In the control's properties: "Dropdwon" = Yes
>> Next problem is: How to put the selected data into a cell? Unlike
>> other controls a date field has no property "Linked Cell". But this 
>> could be solved with a very simple macro.

"> Sorry for top posting.  I am getting really frustrated.  I have been
> selling (loud mouthing) all things Linux for my little project.  I
> hate to have to admit I couldn't get a M$ Office equivalent program to
> work for me."

"This is soo sad. My impression is, that many Linux packagers do a very 
bad job, spoiling with their "desktop integration" and 

Can someone tell me how to get my macros working in OOo 2.0.2? Or, can
someone tell me that it is all right to download and install 00o 2.2.13
in FC5 without asking for additional problems?

Regards Bill

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