'Browser not supported' and Firefox settings

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Mon Aug 14 22:24:01 UTC 2006

On Monday 14 August 2006 23:16, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 09:20 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Monday 14 August 2006 02:44, Ric Moore wrote:
> > > My stupid, had my own Firefox CRM114 Discriminator on and had to notice
> > > the little bar on the top of the screen which noted that it was at work
> > > and blocking all nasty things from being installed.
> > >
> > > Kinda like the 'Happy Personality Doors" in "Hitchhiker's Guide", it
> > > was just joyfully doing it's job. I am happy for it finding Joy in it's
> > > existence. The world spins in greased grooves now. Ric
> >
> > I must confess that I failed to install it three times before I saw what
> > was happening to block it.
> >
> > Anne
> I think we were made for each other, Anne. It's the inevitable, the
> Oracles have proclaimed, Fate has decreed, Kismet (the will of Allah),
> destiny, the uphill path, serendipity, the narrow road, I could think of
> more, but I'm taken away with the notion and must hit send. <swoon> Are
> you are Scorpio? <eyebrow waggle> Pre-nup! My computer stays my
> computer! And, it's attachments. Gotta have that in there, it's a show
> stopper!
> Or, should I just admire you from afar, for making the same mistake and
> the same number of mistakes (swoon) that I did, probably at the very
> same time?? Maybe that would be better, as the life of a Crusader is
> fraught with peril and neer-do-wells. 'Tis not the life for a lady as
> fair as my Lady Anne.
> The fates lean in my favor, yet I shall bow to your decisions and
> respect your boundaries... not like the knuckle draggers that frequent
> this list.
> Pardon me, Madam, while I go to tilt at that windmill, Ric

Now. That's Poetry. Edward Leah would be proud of that, or perhaps, even 
Captain Beefheart. Never mind Timothy Leary. Or is this just some sort of 
cheap pass your making toward Anne? lol.  Poetry always wins over the women. 
Doesn't it?

Anne. I wouldn't take any notice of these poetic ramblings. He's probably 
fried his brain on something dodgy, like MS code, and now thinks he's the new 
poet lauriat.


It's good to have a laugh now and again. It brings you back to reality.

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