Latest Seamonkey update

Kostas Sfakiotakis kostassf at
Tue Aug 15 08:37:50 UTC 2006

Greetings Jim,

Jim Cornette wrote:
> Kostas Sfakiotakis wrote:
>> Greetings Jim,

< snip >

> The rpms are from fedora-extras. The rpms install in /usr directories 
> while the installer puts the files it uses in /usr/local. Since they are 
> located in different directories, they do not clobber each other. I have 
> run with netscape, mozilla and seamonkey installations with the packages 
> that are contained in rpms without interference. They do use the same 
> files under the ~/.mozilla directory and it does not seem to cause any 
> problems.

Well from my experience you can have even say mozilla 1.7.10 and
seamonkey 1.0.4  installed in two different directories (
/usr/local/mozilla & /usr/local/seamonkey ) they will nicely share the
same stuff under the ~/.mozilla and they will both work like a charm
without any sign of conflict .

>>> Chances are then that the rpm version would error on an FC4 system too. 
>> See above , if you wish i can test it . 
> If you are curious or want to confirm the error, you can.

This much i have found . First of i tried to download the *.tar.bz2
file and then build the *.rpm but that scenario failled . Later i
tried to install seamonkey with "yum install seamonkey" it downloaded
the thing from , then it installed it but
popped out the error messages in the attached file . Other than that
if you get this email then it means that the rpm installed seamonkey
works . Indeed as you described things the errors stated in the
attached file are coming from SELinux .

>>> Thanks for revealing that you are using the installer version.
>> Well it was my mistake not to reveal from the very first moment that
>> am using the installer version ( in fact i have always done so , due to
>> PSTN restrictions ( yum update is problematic when someone downloads 
>> with a maximum speed of 5,5 KB/sec ) .
> That would present quite a problem. If you will be charged for the 
> download, it is not important to test. 

For the last couple of months i have a DSL connection so the slow
download speed and the cost are no more a problem . I told you that in
an effort to justify that i prefered the installer version rather than
yum. Well i have to admit that am not such a fun of the automatic
procedures , i prefer the manual way , whenever i can .

The installer version is pretty  much the same minus the SELinux errors.
>>  (Nothing  wrong with the installer version, it worked fine the last 
>> time I  installed it)
>> This has been my experience too ( Fedora Core 4 ).
> I used the installer version of mozilla before Red Hat adopted mozilla 
> over netscape version 4.x. It was only available via the installer at 
> that time. It seems strange that now mozilla is being removed from the 
> next fedora version, seamonkey (mozilla continued) is going to fedora 
> extras and firefox and thunderbird are now adopted by Red Hat.

Well i became quite used to seamonkey/mozilla name it whatever ( the
full suite ) so am not using firefox and thunderbird . Even if the
Fedora Development team drops mozilla i will still continue to download
the installer version and install it for as long as it exists .


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