<OT> Re: newcomers

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 19:27:09 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-08-15 at 09:35 -0500, Michael Hennebry wrote:

> > I agree with you 100%, Ric! I remember when I first started out in Linux
> > in 1997: I got roasted on the Slackware newsgroup for asking a question
> > about DNS, and was told to RTFM, and a lot of people just jumped in and
> > decided to have a go at me. Well, needless to say, that scared me off
> Even if appropriate, RTFM need only be uttered once per question,
> though parallel responses might cause others.
> Sometimes a correct response to RTFM is "Where is TFM?".
> > RTFM is a good thing. It was only after reading the book by Cricket Liu
> > and Paul Albitz, and the howto by Nicolas Langfeldt that I finally
> > learned to setup primary, secondary and caching DNS servers.

One of the problems with programs that have been around for decades
is that you need to know which, if any, of the available FMs applies
to the version that happens to be bundled in the distro.  This is
especially true when someone hasn't installed an app yet and is
asking about its capabilities.  So, an RTFM reply without an
appropriate link is generally not only an insult, but unhelpful
or even misleading if they go on to read the wrong FM.

  Les Mikesell
   lesmikesell at gmail.com

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